Ku Hye Sun and Moon Geun Young: “Health Comes First”

Actress Ku Hye Sun decided to quit in the middle of the production of ‘You’re Too Much’. The reason is because of her health.

Image source: Singles

On March 24, YG Entertainment announced, “Recently, while Ku Hye Sun was filming, she felt really dizzy and also had a problem with her respiratory due to stress, so she was taken to the hospital. The result shows that she has a severe allergy. Now she is being treated in the hospital. After discussing with the doctors, it is important for her to regain her health first”.

Previously, actress Moon Geun Young also had to be taken to the hospital because of a severe injury. On February 1, she was diagnosed to have Acute Compartment Syndrome and immediately got the right treatment in the hospital.

Image source: Cosmopolitan

Afterward, Moon Geun Young also needed to cancel all of his musical performances and went through several surgeries. On March 3, her agency said, “All of the surgery went well and now she undergoes a further therapy to improve her health. She will not take any job while she is being treated”.

Of course, for the audience who wants to see them in ‘You’re Too Much’ and musical performances must feel a bit disappointed. However, for Ku Hye Sun and Moon Geun Young this is the best choice that they can make.

Source: (1)

