Daniel Henney to Take Part in the Next Season of ‘Criminal Minds’ USA

Daniel Henney will take part in the 13th season of ‘Criminal Minds’, a popular American TV show.

Image Source: W Korea

On June 20th, the American television channel ‘CBS’ reported that Daniel Henney has joined the TV series ‘Criminal Mind’ season 13 as a regular member of the series. ‘Criminal Mind’, which began airing in 2005, is a drama favored by many people from around the world. ‘Criminal Mind’, which is the result of the spin-off ‘Criminal Mind: Beyond Borders’ turned out to receive tremendous enthusiasm from fans.

Daniel Henney will play as an FBI agent named Matthew Simmons in two seasons; Criminal Mind and Criminal Mind: Beyond Borders. His role as a profiler and a soldier is well liked by many fans.

Image Source: CBS

Daniel Henney once appear as a special agent in ‘Criminal Minds’. Now, he has been confirmed to appear as regular member as his character is well-liked by many people.

The 13th season of ‘Criminal Mind’ is set to be aired starting from September 27th.

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