Just Like His Brother, Daehan, Manse Has Also Started to Wear Glasses

Song Il Kook recently updated fans regarding his sons’ life, the Song triplets.

Image Source: Instagram

On August 1st, Song Il Kook uploaded two photos with the caption: “I had a problem with my phone, that’s why I’ve been missing for a while. There’s a lot going on in our lives. Manse started wearing glasses since last week because his vision has worsened. Also, yesterday, his two front teeth were pulled out when we went to the dentist. Like the theater performer we witnessed some time ago, he said, “I lost my two front teeth!”

Image Source: Instagram

In the photos posted, Song Il Kook and his sons, Daehan, Minguk, Manse were seen taking a selca together with great affection. In addition to a photo of Manse wearing glasses, there was also a picture of him without 2 front teeth, which would invite laughter from anyone who sees it.

Song Il Kook has been actively communicating with fans through SNS after deciding to quit ‘Superman Returns’.

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