Will Big Bang TOP Case Affect G-Dragon’s Comeback?

Big Bang Top (Choi Seunghyun) case is like a splash of cold water for G-Dragon who will soon make a comeback.

Image source: YG Entertainment

On June 1, Top was investigated by the police after being caught smoking marijuana. Seoul police said Top was charged with drug charges. According to the police. Top was caught smoking in October 2016. But it couldn’t be ascertained whether Top often smoked marijuana or just that once.

YG Entertainment agency said, “Top has completed the investigation well. And in the process, he acknowledged almost all the charges filed against him. He has also been contemplating his mistakes and apologizing for making everyone worried.”

Top himself is in the middle of the military service as a police officer since last February.

The fans are shocked to learn that Top had been suspected of using marijuana before going into the military.

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