‘Three Meals a Day’ The Perfect Combination Between Lee Jong Suk and Yoon Kyung Sang

On September 22nd, actors Lee Jong Suk and Yoon Kyung Sang showed their strong chemistry on tvN’s ‘Three Meals a Day Sea Ranch’.

Image Source: tvN

On the episode, Yoon Kyung Sang found out if the guest star was Lee Jong Suk. Yoon Kyung Sang was planning a surprise with a hidden camera. Lee Jong Suk felt something strange, so he tried to make a joke to be able to adapt quickly.

He was very enthusiastic about the arrival of Lee Jong Suk. He said to Lee Seo Jin and Eric when he came, “Please tell him I was late to work. Lee Jong Suk will feel awkward talking to you guys”, he said while planning the hidden camera.

Yoon Kyun Sang continued, “Lee Jong Suk is very shy. He cannot do it in front of others. He is so sweaty that he will wipe himself with a tissue. That kid is very kind.”

Image Source: tvN

Then he hid. “He will feel the real reality show debut for the first time,” he said with a laugh.

Eric and Lee Seo Jin told Lee Jong Suk, “Yoon Kyung Sang will come in late at night” after lying, Lee Jong Suk found out where Yoon Kyun Sang was. They almost laughed and continued to act.

Even so, Le Jong Suk felt betrayed. Lee Jong Suk said, “I came because I only believe in Yoon Kyun Sang” while being surprised to see the eyes of the rabbit. Though looking stupid, Lee Jong Suk and Yoon Kyun Sang showed a warm intimacy between them. Their lively characters greatly increase the expectations of the audience.

