Goo Hye Sun to Go From ‘You Are Too Much’

On March 23, Ku Hye Sun is reported to go from MBC’s ‘You Are Too Much’ because she has a severe allergy.

Image source: MBC

Because of her allergy, Ku Hye Sun cannot eat and must take a rest from her activities. The doctor also suggests her to take a break from filming. However, because this is the first drama after she gets married, she is keen to finish episode 7. After discussing with various people, Ku Hye Sun is said to leave the drama. In the meantime, she will be resting.

‘You Are Too Much’ has reached episode 6 for now and the new cast who will replace Ku Hye Sun falls to Jang Hee Jin. ‘You Are Too Much’ itself tells the story of a famous singer and a back singer who imitates her.

Source: (1)

