Fantastic Duo 2 Releases App with BTOB Sungjae and BLACKPINK Rose’s Handwriting

SBS ‘Fantastic Duo 2’ released an app containing the handwriting of BTOB’s Yook Sungjae and BLACKPINK’s Rose.

Yook Sungjae started the preface by saying, “I am Yook Sungjae, who shines like a star,” And wrote down that his hobby is fishing.

Image Source: SBS

Yook Sung Jae shared a moment that made him ‘angry when he sings’. He wrote, “When I and the other members practiced the ensemble for the first time, I did not have a good cord. I felt a great responsibility as a BTOB sub-vocal.” He also revealed that he often listens to Jung Joong Il’s ‘Confession’ and ‘Hug Me’. Kim Dong Ryul’s ‘Appreciation’ is the song he’s going to sing in Star Wars’s ‘Fantastic Duo 2’.

Image Source: SBS

Rose introduced herself as ‘BLACKPINK’s Main-vocal’ and wrote that she looks similar to a squirrel. In addition, she wrote down her ability, ‘Box’, meaning having a ‘Sound that sounds like someone who’s trapped in a box’.

Rose also wrote, “BLACKPINK appeared at a university festival some time ago. It was really fun. Performing in a university festival is such valuable opportunity.” Rose revealed an incredible introduction from the ‘University of Love’.

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