Beauty Recommendation From CastKo: EUNYUL Blackhead One Kill Stick

What is Eunyul Blackhead One Kill Stick?

Eunyul Blackhead One Kill Stick is a blackhead remover and pore cleanser. This product helps us to remove blackhead, whitehead, as well as dead skin.

Not washing our face is not only factor for blackheads to appear. Our face needs more treatment to remove blackheads and keep our pore clean. One of the most effective way to remove blackhead is using scrub, and this product contains natural scrub that has gentle formula.

Eunyul Blackhead One Kill Stick Contains corn starch and walnut hull powder, which works wonder to remove blackhead and moisturize your skin.

Eunyul Blackhead One Kill Stick is easy to use. You just need to rub and massage the area that has blackhead.

Do you want to have clean and moist skin? Eunyul Blackhead One Kill Stick is very recommended for you!

Buy this product at CastKo e-Shop

