Summer Daily Makeup Tips from Suzy and Lee Sung Kyung

The most important thing about using makeup is how to create subtle color differences. Even the slightest touch of brush will be able to form a different image. Depending on how long the eyeliner is drawn, how moist the skin is, and how is the color of the lipstick, the same person will end up looking like a young girl or an adult woman.

Image Source : Carin, Guess

With the recent growth of K-Beauty and a number of beauty creators, it has become increasingly easy for many women to learn how to do their makeup. People can express their own identity through makeup. However, too much makeup can obscure our own weak points yet may make other people uncomfortable when they look at use, that’s why we have to be really careful.

Fruit Makeup with Berry Lips

In 2016-2017, ‘Fruit Makeup’ emerges as a new makeup trend. Fruit makeup is a technique of adding funny moods to our face by using fresh colors such as pink, peach, coral, and light red for our cheek and lip makeup. If you use natural and wet reddish cheeks and berry color to your lips, you will soon have a beautiful and refreshing ‘fruit makeup’. See Suzy’s pictures above for reference!

Image Source : W Magazine

Clear Skin with Round Eyes

It is also important to have clean and clear skin. Apply a thin foundation to create a soft light look, and fix the skin with finishing powder. Complete the look with a simple eye makeup that will make your eyes looks more round. Use light brown eye-shadows, apply concealer on the triangle under your eyes, and don’t forget to wear thin eyeliner. See Lee Sung Kyung’s pictures above for the examples!

