CastKo Drama Recommendation: Ji Chang Wook and Park Min Young’s ‘Healer’

In this KBS drama, Ji Chang Wook did a lot of action scenes. Consisting of 20 episodes, ‘Healer’ successfully stole the audience’s attention at that time.

Image source: KBS

Not only Ji Chang Wook, ‘Healer’ was also starred by Park Min Young and Yoo Ji Tae. Though the drama has a lot of action scenes, the romance between Ji Chang Wook and Park Min Young certainly added the excitement of this drama.

Image source: KBS

‘Healer’ is a story about a man namaed Kim Min Ho (Yoo Ji Tae), a reporter of a broadcasting company, who found a long-forgotten case and tried to reveal the truth behind it. In doing the investigation, Kim Min Ho was helped by Seo Jung Ho (Ji Chang Wook) and Chae Young Shin (Park Min Young).

