Suzy Loves Her Role As A Journalist in ‘ While You Were Sleeping’

Suzy shows her beautiful appearance through ‘High Cut’ magazine on November 16th. She wore coat jumper, hoodies, casual top, sleek jeans, and miniskirts creating a cool and beautiful look.

Image Source : High Cut Magazine

In the interview that followed by the filming, Suzy said about the impression that she had when acting as a reporter in the current drama ‘While You Are Sleeping’, on this subject she said, “Actually, I’m helped by the current broadcasting reporter and keep practicing on my own. While I practice for the first time, I’m good at what I do. But when I meet the broadcast reporter, it’s very different.”

Image Source : High Cut Magazine

Suzy also explained why she participated in the ‘While You Were Sleeping’ OST with a song called ‘Words I Want to Hear’ and ‘I Love You Boy’, “There used to be pressures that made it necessary to differentiate the two. When I became an actor, I wanted to concentrate on my role and I did not want to think of myself as an actor when I was a singer. But that does not make sense. But I did both (laughs). Because I admit it myself, I became free after that. I want to do acting and singing in the future. It’s better to do it naturally so that viewers can easily accept it. I figured if I could do my job, I could sing a song on OST, of course.”

